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Summer at the Diocese Museums!

The cultural initiative continues throughout the summer with summer centres and organised groups.
  • Art & Culture
Summer at the Diocese Museums!

Park South Adda

Along the lower course of the Adda a rich aquatic avifauna and a territory marked by farms, castles, monasteries to be discovered
  • Parks
South Adda Park

Museums and Monuments in Cremona

Updated timetables!
  • Art & Culture
Museums and Monuments in Cremona

The Po plain

Let's discover the park of the Po Plain
  • Cycle Tourism
The Po plain

Cremona underground tours

History beneath your feet…
  • Art & Culture
Cremona underground tours


  • Art & Culture
La didattica

A new web-site for Cremona’s Museums

  • Art & Culture
A new web-site for Cremona’s Museums

Walled Cities Bike Lanes Itinerary

Itinerario la Ciclovia delle Città Murate percorriamolo !
  • Cycle Tourism
Walled Cities Bike Lanes Itinerary, pedalling in Lombardy