• Art & Culture

Castles Cremona

Crossroads of trade and area of strong agricultural production, the Cremonese territory has always been guarded by castles

Cremona boasts numerous historical castles and outposts. It is the perfect destination for art and culture enthusiasts. 


Get on a bike and start pedalling along the fortified city of Crema, surrounded by late XVth century walls two of the most imposing castles in Lombardy: that of Soncino, a peculiar military structure, and the one in Pandino, commissioned by the Visconti family and still visible in all its splendor.  

Its interiors boast coats of arms and paintings that can be admired during guided tours. 

Head to the surroundings and reach Pizzighettone, with its watchtower. Afterwards, go to Gera and admire its distinctive casematte.

Casteldidone is famous for the Mina della Scala stronghold. The Castle of Ostiano hosts the Gonzaga theater, embellished with XIXth C. decorations.  

Visiting castles in Cremona is a unique experience. Follow our suggestions and plan unforgettable vacation focused in tourism. Cremona will astonish you. 

immagine di copertina:@albertobr rete.comuni-italiani.it
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