• Art & Culture


BeMyMusic is an innovative digital cultural founded by some young people from Cremona to promote their town and its peculiarities, enhancing the tourist offer on the basis of the great music heritage of the town.

The proposal, wide and specialized, is destined to every kind of school in the National and International territory, included the SMIM and the Music High School, the young orchestras and the music bands etc...
Every school can customize its visit of one or more days according its targets, the time available and its didactic and specific goals choosing the interest points to be visited and the activities to participate in.
The schools will have the opportunity to enrich their didactic trips discovering the artistic heritage of the town through a specific music path, a workshop, a concert or a town-twinning. All these activities will be organized by some experts of music didactics .

Art, history and music are mixed together to lead our students to discover the treasures of our land.

Our Association can offer specific activities of one or more days: guided tours, workshops, live performances, participation to concert-lessons, town-twinning.  Every activity can be customized according to the clients’ needs.

Visiting Cremona means living an experience that can combine learning, active participation and fun.

For proposals, questions, suggestions, requests… do not hesitate to contact us!
BeMyMusic - Piazza Marconi 4 -  + 39 393 3557683


Scarica la brochure!
Locandina "Piano delle Arti 2019"
Take me here: BeMyMusic

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