• Cycle Tourism
    • Active & Green

From Cremona to Grontardo

An easy path with some critical points in the middle of it: the overpass of the motorway A 21 in Persichello and a part of the provincial road between Dosimo and Levata where, at the moment, the bike-lane is not protected.
In the future the route will reach Ostiano.

On the same topic

From Cremona to Grontardo

  • Cycle Tourism
From Cremona to Grontardo

Cremona by bike

Discover the routes and download the map: live your territory by bike!
  • Cycle Tourism
Cremona by bike

The Po plain

Let's discover the park of the Po Plain
  • Cycle Tourism
The Po plain

Walled Cities Bike Lanes Itinerary

Itinerario la Ciclovia delle Città Murate percorriamolo !
  • Cycle Tourism
Walled Cities Bike Lanes Itinerary, pedalling in Lombardy

From Cremona to Robecco

  • Cycle Tourism
From Cremona to Robecco

Music in the Wind

First musical-cycling route in Italy
  • Cycle Tourism
Music in the Wind

Along the river Po, between Lodi and Cremona territories

Fiume Po, fiume Adda, scorci impensati in piccoli borghi
  • Cycle Tourism
Along the river Po, between Lodi and Cremona territories